Primula kisoana


Mt. Kiso Primrose

Primula can be a bit particular where they want to grow especially in our hot and humid summers. I received this gem from a friend who has been growing it in her garden for years where it enjoys bright shade under tall trees and average to moist, well-amended soil. Since introducing it to my own garden it has been an easy grower under similar conditions. What is pretty cool about this plant is that it spreads by root forming a lovely carpet of fan-shaped, medium green leaves, which lends itself to being a terrific edging plant or filler. In early spring (late April here) the foliage is topped by deep pink flowers with golden centers. The flowers are great, but I enjoy this plant even with out them!

Part shade. Height and spread 6-9″. Deer and rabbit tolerant. Native to Japan. Zones 4-8.

4.5″ pot

22 in stock