This week’s featured plant is Spotted Bee Balm, Monarda punctata. What a cool plant. Just look at those blooms! Yellow spotted flowers are displayed between pink, green and white bracts like horses in a carousel. It is native to eastern United States and thrives in average to sandy soils. Looking great planted in all types of gardens, it is especially at home mixed with other natives such as echinaceas, pycnanthemums, ruellia, and baptisias. Spotted Bee Balm is full of nectar and will attract butterflies and pollinators by the hordes. The fragrant foliage can be used in teas or as a substitute for oregano. Plant in full sun in soils with good drainage. An added bonus is its salt tolerance making it a candidate for difficult areas near the road or seaside. Plants reach 1-2’ high and wide and are hardy zones 5-10.