Phlox maculata ‘Natascha’
Natascha Meadow Phlox
A showy combination of white and purplish-pink flowers are a mid-summer power-house blooming machine! (especially if deadheaded). We don’t normally go for the flashier phloxes but this one is very nice. Foliage is a deep green and narrow.
Expect lots of butterflies and pollinators when in bloom.This variety is prized for its compact habit and excellent powdery-mildew resistance. Very good cut flower. Native cultivar of eastern US. Equally great in borders and containers.
Full-part sun. Height 1.5-2′. Spread 1-1.5′. Zones 3-8.
A bit of Natascha’s history via “This ’90s, way cool, selection was discovered in 1989 as a sport of Phlox maculata ‘Omega’ by Luc Klinkhamer of Holland while visiting the Minsk Botanic Garden (former USSR). Tough as old nails, we never never never see any disease or mildew on this cultivar. It is named after Natascha Lunina, the garden curator at Minsk, and is topped in early summer with unbelievable bicolour flowers of pinkish purple-and-white.”
4.5″ pot