Dianthus armeria Seeds


Grass Pink

Also known as Deptford Pink as it once grew abundantly in Deptford, England. It has since escaped gardens and has found its way across much of Europe and parts of the US. Why would we sell seed of a plant that spreads about so readily? Well, because it does have a sweet flower and growth habit (love those deep rose petals combined with the powder blue anthers!)AND it can be a real problem solver for difficult areas that need plants to help break up hard compacted soil. Grass pinks actually thrive in compacted, nutrient poor soils. Once the soil is repaired over time, the grass pinks are unable to compete with larger leaved plants and are eventually outcompeted and go by the wayside which is likely why native stands of Dianthus armeria in England have become endangered.

Full sun. Height 1-1.5′. Reseeding biennual.

35 seeds