There are some great plants that have been catching our eye this week. The first is Kalimeris ‘Daisy Mae.’ Daisy Mae is a sun-loving perennial and a nonstop bloomer. One-inch, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers bloom all summer long, attracting well-loved pollinators such as butterflies and honeybees. Customers who have bought this plant to “just try” come back for more because they end up loving it so much. This plant can quickly become an important part of your summer garden.

Another great plant for full to part sun is Lakwijk Star Geranium. Soft, slightly fuzzy foliage with a hint of purple highlights is accented by the complimentary purple flowers that appear in summer, first with a big bloom and then sporadic blooms thereafter. My favorite part about this plant is that given good light and adequate moisture it always looks attractive. It is not big and showy, just really good looking. It stops me in my tracks with its dependable, soft, unassuming beauty.

The photo below is from the garden. Phlomis samia with Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster.’ I love this combo and wait for it every year. Sigh. This year Putnam Hill has Phlomis samia for sale in 3” pots.