Perennial and Annual Salvias

Melanie RuckleUncategorized

Perennial and annual salvias add so much to the summer and especially the fall garden. They bloom all summer and as the evenings cool when we head into the fall they gain momentum and bloom more and more. Hummingbirds adore all salvias. Some of you may be scorned by the last two winters taking a toll on the greggii and macrophylla varieties, but these plants give so much during the summer and fall months that they are worth it to grow even as a tender perennial. For super hardy salvia, try Salvia reptans, azurea and azurea ‘September Snow’. These gorgeous fall bloomers with sky blue or white flowers are hardy to Zone 5.

Indian Pink – Spigelia marilindica

Melanie RuckleUncategorized

This week I would like to sing the praises of Indian Pink, Spigelia marilindica. This shade-loving perennial has been blooming for the past 3 weeks and will continue well into July. Spigelia is a long-blooming, shade-loving native with beautiful red and yellow trumpet-shaped flowers that attract hummingbirds. Indian Pink can be difficult to get established but once plants take hold they increase in size each year and are long lived. Plant in full to part shade. Morning or late afternoon sun will increase the vigor and give more flowers. Average to moist, well draining, fertile soils are optimal. This plant does best if planted before mid-July. Indian Pink will emerge late in spring compared to other perennials so mark where you plant it and don’t give up on it. Often Indian Pink will not emerge until mid-May. Give this plant time, and it will reward you greatly.

Eye Catching Plants

Melanie RuckleUncategorized

There are some great plants that have been catching our eye this week. The first is Kalimeris ‘Daisy Mae.’ Daisy Mae is a sun-loving perennial and a nonstop bloomer. One-inch, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers bloom all summer long, attracting well-loved pollinators such as butterflies and honeybees. Customers who have bought this plant to “just try” come back for more because they end up loving it so much. This plant can quickly become an important part of your summer garden. Another great plant for full to part sun is Lakwijk Star Geranium. Soft, slightly fuzzy foliage with a hint of purple highlights is accented by the complimentary purple flowers that appear in summer, first with a big bloom and then sporadic blooms thereafter. My favorite part about this plant is that given good light and adequate moisture it always looks attractive. It is not big and showy, just really good ...

Iced and Hot Teas

Melanie RuckleUncategorized

This year I am hot on growing different types of plants to make some very delectable iced and hot teas. New this year is Hibiscus sabdariffa, Thai Roselle. I can’t wait to try it. This is the same plant used to make Celestial Seasoning’s Red Zinger tea. The bright, scarlet red calyces (the part that forms a cup around the flower) are cranberry flavored. Pour hot water over them, steep and you have a refreshing summer tea, hot or cold. The leaves also make a nice tea and can be used in salads. The flowers are fruity tasting and go excellently with frozen desserts. In Thailand this plant is very popular and used to make jams, jellies, sauces and even fiber! Cool plant! There are many health benefits as well. It is high in antioxidants and immune boosting, and reduces blood pressure. (If you are on medication for blood pressure ...