Putnam Hill Nursery is located in Forest Hill, MD and is owned and run by Melanie Ruckle. Putnam Hill began in 1996 when Melanie, after years of working in the nursery industry, decided she wanted to be a stay at home mom. Plants have always been a part of her life and it was only natural to continue that passion while at home. Enter her husband, Keith Holt with his creative ideas and logistical genius and the perfect combination for a growing nursery to flourish was born. As the children grew so did the nursery and gardens.

Now, after 27 years of horticultural and gardening experience, a substantial list of plants that have proven garden worthy has emerged. These plants have been selected either because they are a great landscape plant, are unusual but still attractive, hard to find in the trade, native, useful, fun, or all of the above. We grow our plants taking care to be light on the environment and the people handling them. No growth regulators are used at Putnam Hill Nursery.

For the past 19 years Putnam Hill Nursery has been selling at plant sales in the MD, DC, VA and PA area. Check out our Events to visit us at a sale near you or to see if an open nursery day is scheduled. If you are unable to attend any of the open nursery days feel free to schedule an appointment.

In September of 2015 the online mail order store opens. We hope that this new alternative for shopping at Putnam Hill Nursery will enhance your gardening experience.